Solutions is a global leader in providing hardware-based software protection & licensing options, as well as strong authentication for Windows, iOS, Linux and Mobile based systems, with a wide array of flexibility that tailor to varying business needs. Our technical expertise is provided to thousands of customers across the world varying in size and scope.

Software Protection
Software protection has always been an integral part of modern businesses. With SecuTech’s wide range of driverless UniKey® dongles this has never been easier to achieve. The UniKey ensures not to burden the user, while providing exceptional functionality options to the developer to ensure their visions are met.

Licensing Schemes
SecuTech caters to the needs of software developers and users alike, by offering a wide range of licensing models that can be “mixed-and-matched” depending on the distribution & monetization models, implementation requirements of the software, as well as providing protection from piracy and reverse engineering.

Multi-Factor Authentication
SecuTech’s authentication solutions provide an array of sophisticated and robust authentication of users, ensuring the protection of information through access is met whether cost, transparency or security is priority. SecuTech employs advanced and thoroughly-tested technologies, provide compatibility with numerous industry-approved standards, and are highly secure and resilient for everyday use.

Smartphone Authentication
Mobile devices are playing an increasingly integral role in our lives on account of the rapid popularity of smart phone devices. As a consequence, with the increasing capabilities and complexity of mobile devices and the gradually growing incorporation of sensitive information on them, the added convenience brought by mobile devices also bring about new security risks.

Scan and Pay – Custom Solution
While SecuTech Solutions specializes in cyber security hardware, we have also spearheaded custom technologically advanced projects. Scan and Pay was developed to add convenience and security to tourist Smart Bike and E-Car rental spots, while offering the benefits of 24-hour self-checkout from the convenience of their phone.

For any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.